Mark Down These Dates - January 28th, 29th and 30th 2022

“It’s Finally Back... My PersuasionX Speaker Training - Let Me Show You How To Become a World Class Speaker In Less Than 72 Hours”

Limited Seating… Free Hotel Room For The First 20 People

If you have any questions please contact us at:

SPECIAL DISCOUNT: Use Coupon Code "BlackFriday2021" on the order page to Save $1000.00 on this special training today.

(NOTE: Be sure to click the apply button in order to apply the discount.)

This Special Discount Ends In...


First 20 People Will Receive a FREE Hotel Room

All New PersuasionX Training You Don't Want To Miss This

Learn The Most Powerful Speaking System In Existence Today

Date: October 21, 2024
From: Armand Morin
Re: Upcoming PersuasionX Speaker Training

There I was… standing on stage pointing to the back room and watching wave upon wave of people literally jumping up and running to the sales table. What comes next was going to send a shock through my system like nothing else.

Imagine this for one second. Imagine being me speaking on stage for a mere 90 minutes and after all was said and done, I generated $995,000 of sales. Enough money to change anyone’s life and the amazing part is that I did it in only 90 minutes.

Let me ask you a question...


How Many of You Would Like To Generate
$995,000.00 In Sales In 90 Minutes or Less?

How did I do it?

By learning how to speak and persuade an audience en mass. The good thing is this highly sought after skill is, completely learnable. And right now, I’m getting ready to teach a new group of people exactly how I do this.

Would you like to be part of this secret class?

If the answer is yes, then read on very closely.

The Most Powerful Skill You Can Ever Learn Is The Ability To Speak, Communicate and Share Your Ideas With An Audience

Since the early 2000's I've been traveling the world, speaking on stages and literally earning millions of dollars by selling my products to hundreds if not thousands of people at a time. I can literally earn more in one 90 minute speaking session than the average person earns all year and some cases more than what they'll earn in a decade of working.

The Ability To Speak, Entertain and Ultimately Persuade an Audience Wasn't Something I Was Born With... I Learned It!

The idea of speaking in front of an audience is one of the greatest fears of many people from around the world, but to succeed in a business and in life, you must obtain this skill in order to grow.. Add in the idea of possibly asking a person to buy something from you and you have a combination that would put most people into a psychiatric ward.

You're not alone, in the beginning I was extremely nervous, but through discovering various techniques and methods I was able to overcome these issues and go on to become one of the most sought after and highest paid speakers in the world.

Want To Become a Highly Paid World Class Speaker?

Have You Ever Sat Frustrated Knowing You Have a Life Changing Message, Product or Service But Didn’t Have The Speaking Skills To Speak To a Live Audience?

I know how you feel… I wasn’t always an in demand or skilled speaker. I was one of those people who feared speaking in front of people like the plague. I would sweat it out, pace nervously and stress over the fact that they might not like me.

Sound familiar?

Here’s what changed… I figured out that speaking, like anything, else can be learned. But, at the time I didn’t know how to learn this necessary skill.

What I did know was that with this one skill I could earn a years income in just a few hours. I just needed to know how to do it the right way.

  • I Had The Information
  • I Had The Products
  • I Had The Desire
  • I Had The Will

I just needed the training.

But the question was from who?

It turned out a friend of mine just heard of speaker training that taught people not only how to speak but also to sell from the stage which was exactly what I was looking for.

To make a long story short, I took my training and my sales shot up.

  • My first speaking gig I sold over $100,000 in sales
  • My second I sold $105,000
  • My third speaking gig I sold $19,970

You might be thinking the third was failure. But that’s where you’re wrong, there were only 10 people in the room and I sold all 10 which was a 100% closing ratio. Not shabby.

The bad news is my mentor retired so you can’t take that class.

The good news is I continued speaking and created many life changing speaker strategies that almost every speaker in the world now uses. I’ve gone on to teach many of the world’s top speakers my strategies and many have gone to generate millions of dollars in sales.

In fact, I’ve taught many of the other speaker trainers in the world as well.

SPECIAL DISCOUNT: Use Coupon Code "BlackFriday2021" on the order page to Save $1000.00 on this special training today.

(NOTE: Be sure to click the apply button in order to apply the discount.)

This Special Discount Ends In...

I've Perfected My PersuasionX Training and Taught Speakers From All Over The World... Many Have Gone On To Sell Millions Of Dollars In Sales

Mark Down These Dates - January 28th, 29th and 30th 2022

Announcing My Next PersuasionX Speaker Training Now You Too Can Learn My Speaking, Persuasion and Sales Techniques To Market Your Message, Product or Service

There's Limited Seating So Be Sure To Register Your Seat ASAP

My PersuasionX Speaker Training is legendary. Many of the top marketers and business leaders around the world have taken it and have used it to build their own businesses and market their own products.

What is it?

It’s a live 3 day in person learning intensive designed to teach you all the necessary skills needed to become a world class speaker.

This is all done in my home training center. Yes, you and a select group of people will be brought to my home training center where you’ll learn all of my PersuasionX strategies and the new techniques that I’ve recently developed.

You'll Be Coming To My Home Training Center
You'll Be Coming To My Home Training Center

NOTE: Read further to see how to get your hotel room for FREE!

Nothing's Left To Chance When Your Learn The PersuasionX System

Here’re Just a Few of The Powerful Speaking Strategies You’ll
Learn During This 3 Day Live Training Intensive


PersuasionX is not just a training, but it's a complete system that can not only be learned but can duplicated by anyone.

You'll learn every aspect of becoming a world class speaker, from developing your presentation to the ins and outs of running a multi-million dollar speaking business.

Nothing is left to guess work. I'll show you exactly what to do every step of the way. All you need to do is follow my system to achieve your own success in the world of speaking.

  • Start The Sale Before You Speak

  • Your Almighty Introduction

  • Connect With an Audience in Seconds

  • Where To Stand For The Biggest Impact

  • The Million Dollar Speaking Structure

  • Framing Yourself as The Expert

  • Speaking With Authority (Thunder)

  • Socratic Questioning To Get The Sale

  • Turn a Soft Audience Into Rabid Buyers

  • How to Create a Table Rush

  • Utilize Bonsuses To Close The Sale

  • The Secret of Closing Body Language

  • The Underrated Orderform Close

  • The 3 Wave Closing Sequence

  • Getting a Standing Ovation Before You Speak

  • The If/Then Closing Strategy

This Is Only a Very Small Sample of What We'll Be Covering

There's Not Enough Space To List Everything We'll Cover, But I Will Guarantee You'll Learn The True Secrets To Becoming an In Demand World Class Speaker - Not Available Anywhere Else

EXCLUSIVE: You'll Not Find This Anywhere Else as I Invented This

You May Have Heard Stories From Around The World of People Utilizing "The Stack" - Now Learn The True Method Directly From The Person Who Invented It

Years ago, I found a flaw in the speaking process that was not being addressed and actually causing people to lose sales. Presentations were simply too long and the audiences were losing focus. I sat back and thought about what was happening and come up with a solution.

I Created The World Famous Closing Strategy... "The Stack""

I created a process that literally made people jump up out of their seats and literally run to the back of the room.

The first time I used "The Stack", even I was shocked. I remember it like it was yesterday. I was speaking in London, I got to my close and started to doing the stack... the next thing I know people started standing up and running to the hall to order my products.

Not only that, there was such a crowd, the pushed the doors open and put a hole in the wall! It was amazing.

Now, I'm personally going to show you exactly how to do this technique, the new improvements I've made to it and how to implement it properly in all your presentations offline and online.

Plus… Learn The All New Advance Accelerators

You're Not Only Going To Learn The PersuasionX Speaker Training, But You’ll Also Learn The All New Advanced Accelerators To Increase The Effectiveness of Your Training


Learn How To Go From a Great Speaker To a Legendary Speaker

It isn't obvious what separates a good speaker from a legendary speaker. Most people think it's the presentation or the product. It's not either of these.

It's the ability to speak on their feet, in essence the ability to improv at any given moment. The good new is this skill can be learned.

During PersuasionX we'll show exactly how to adapt and utilize any situation to your advantage through unique exercises we created.

SPECIAL DISCOUNT: Use Coupon Code "BlackFriday2021" on the order page to Save $1000.00 on this special training today.

(NOTE: Be sure to click the apply button in order to apply the discount.)

This Special Discount Ends In...

If You Are Not Speaking Virtually You're Missing Out

At first you might think a virtually speaking is the same as a person doing a webinar. That's where you're wrong. These are two very different kinds of speaking.

More companies are hiring speakers to speak to their people virtually. These are the same presentations that people would normally do in person except now you might be sitting at home doing it over a webcam or camera.

If you're not doing this you could missing out on a huge income source.

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Discover How To Utilize Webinars To Become a World Reknown Speaker

There's a way to do webinars, as a speaker, that's hands down the winner in creating a world audience. Most speakers are missing the point on webinars,  they are doing it completely wrong.

I'm going to show you how to do webinars that highlight and take advantage of your PersuasionX speaker training.

This one strategy alone is worth attending the whole program.

Exclusive Strategy On How to Speak To Thousands Each Week

Along with everything else, I'm going to show you how to overcome the biggest problem any speaker has and that's getting in front of an audience to speak to.

I will demonstrate and prove that you can start speaking in front of thousands of people starting the very first week you graduate from PersuasionX.

There's not a single speaker training that teaches this.


IMPORTANT: Be Sure To Register Your Seat Immediately For PersuasionX

To Make This Decision Drop Dead Easy For You... If You're One of The First 20 People To Register, I'll Pay For Your Hotel Room


There's no doubt you should be at my next PersuasionX training. To make the decision even easier for you I'm doing something special that you need to pay attention to.

If you're one of the first 20 people to register your seat for this event, then I'll go one step further and I'll pay for your hotel room while you're here.

All you have to do is get to North Carolina and prepare yourself for one the most exciting 3 days of your life. Don't wait, register right now!

As You Can See, We’ve Included Everything You Need

This Is The Most Complete Speaker Training Ever Developed With Exclusive Training You Just Can’t Get Anywhere Else

PersuasionX is not something that I just came up with overnight. It’s literally the culmination of decades of speaking to audiences all over the world, in person and virtually online.

Like I said, you’ll attend and learn the entire PersuasionX system including… how to sell before you speak, the almighty introduction, the million dollar speaking structure, framing yourself as an expert, my exclusive stack and much, much more.

Plus you’ll also learn our brand new Advance Accelerators as well.

You Need To Take Action on This… Limited Seating

Don’t Miss Out On This Training, It’s On a First Come First Serve Basis With Extremely Limited Seating

As I said it’s being held in my home training center. There's a limited number of seats and once we hit full capacity... then we’ll have to start refusing new applicants.

Plus you need to learn this before your competitors do.

Let’s face it… I’m going to be marketing this to literally millions of people and there’s a good chance your competitors will be included in this group. Why take the chance of allowing them to get this information and using it against you? Take the upper hand and register your seat today and guarantee your success with PersuasionX.

Don't Miss Out On These Free Bonuses When Your Register Today

Receive $2447.00 In Real World Bonuses When You
Register Your Seat for PersuasionX Today

Certificate - US Letter Landscape

PersuasionX Certification - $1997.00 Value
As a graduate of the PersuasionX training, you’ll be certified in our PersuasionX Strategies. You’ll receive a beautiful framed diploma certifying completion of the PersuasionX training. 


First 20 Free Hotel Room - $450.00 Value
If you’re one of the first 20 people to register your seat for PersuasionX, then I’ll even pay for your hotel room. All you need to do is get to Raleigh, NC and we’ll take it from there and pick you up every morning to bring you to the training.

Here’s What You’re Going To Receive Today

3 Days of PersuasionX Training
Improv For Speakers
Virtual Speaker Training
Webinar Speaker Training
Speak In Front of Thousands
PersuasionX Certification
Free Hotel Room


Total Value $20,432.00

Don't Worry, Today You'll Only Pay A Small Fraction of That

Receive a Huge Discount By Registering Today

Now's The Time To Reserve Your Spot For Our Amazing PersuasionX Speaker Training - Get a Huge Discount Today

I’ve charged over $10,000.0 for this training. But I’m doing something different today. You won’t pay anywhere close to that. In fact, you’ll receive everything and then some, for a whole lot less.

If you register your seat right now the cost for PersuasionX is not $20,432.00… it’s only $4997 when you register today.

SAVE $1000 during Black Friday week.

Use "BlackFriday2021" on the order page and the price is only $3997.

Think about this for one minute...

This decision is so simple. With just one speaking gig it will pay for the cost of the whole program. With the ability to get returns like this, it makes the whole training a no brainer. Especially when we’ll be teaching how to start speaking the same week you get home.

Again it’s only $3997. (Click Here Now)

Make sure you use coupon code "BlackFriday2021" to get your $1000 discount today.

Can’t Afford The Whole Cost Up Front? No Problem We’ve Arranged Financing For You

If you live in the US, we’ve made special payment arrangements with a finance company, to split the cost up into easy monthly payments.

Click Here To See How The Financing Program Works

Let's Run Some Numbers of What's Realistic as a Speaker

With Just One Speaking Gig You'll Earn Back The Cost of PersuasionX Multiple Times Over and Then Some

Let's assume you speak to an audience of only 200 people. I have to tell you, this is quite easy at a live or virtual event. It's even easier when I show you how to do this anytime you want. (Every single week)

So again... you speak to a small audience of just 200 people. With the PersuasionX training you should be able to close 10% of this audience into your products or services. But, to make this even more difficult let's say you only close 5%. That's it just 5% of this audience.

Let's also make the assumption the program you are selling is $1997. (Hint: I'll show you how to sell $5,000 and even $10,000 packages).

So here are the numbers...

200 people x 5% = 10 sales x $1997 = $19,970 in gross sales. 

What if you only did half that? That still is double the cost of the PersuasionX training. Like I said... this is a no brainer. You need to start your training right now today.


100% No-Risk - 30 Day Money Back Guarantee

We believe in PersuasionX 100%. If for any reason our program does not do what we stated it will do, we will refund your purchase 100%. If at the end of the first day of the training, you're not happy. Simply let me or one of my staff know and we'll refund your purchase on the spot. If you are like the rest of our customers and the high end marketers and CEOs who have taken our training, we know you'll absolutely love it.

SPECIAL DISCOUNT: Use Coupon Code "BlackFriday2021" on the order page to Save $1000.00 on this special training today.

(NOTE: Be sure to click the apply button in order to apply the discount.)

This Special Discount Ends In...

Priority Order Form

PersuasionX Speaker Training

YES! I want to attend Armand Morin’s PersuasionX Speaker Training and have him personally teach me the techniques and strategies to become a world class speaker.

  • I understand this is a live training in Wake Forest, NC

  • I understand I need to make travel arrangements to NC.

  • I understand the training is 3 full days.

  • I understand I will also become PersuasionX Certified.

Please register my seat immediately to take part in this training.

Choose your payment options below. Either $4997 or if you are a US resident you can apply for our financing option.

Best of Success,

Armand Morin

P.S. - Remember to register now and get your hotel room for free if you are one of the first 20 people to register your seat.